Home interior design tips from companies in trivandrum for first time buyers

 Design tips are something everybody seeks. However, they become important when you are about to invest your money in your first home. First homeowners will have a certain idea as to how you would like to decorate it, where you would like to keep your furniture, etc. However, interior designing for your first house can be more challenging than you can anticipate. The following are some tried and tested tips that will help home interior design your first home in Trivandrum.

  • Start With a Plan

A plan will help you understand what has to be done in the house. For example, if you have a plan, you can figure out if you are planning on taking down a wall. That way you will not have to get that wall painted. Even before buying a home, you can ask for an existing plan. This will give you a rough idea of how much furniture you will need.

A floor plan of the house that includes measurements will help you decide the layout of your furniture. All of these tasks become easier if you work with a professional interior design company like VC Interiors in Trivandrum. You will get our expert opinion and since we get to purchase items at trade price, you can save a lot of money.

  • Do Not Rush Things

One of the best home interior design tips to stick by is to not rush and take time. Irrespective of whether you are working with a professional designer or not, you need to take important decisions after taking time. For example, you have to be extremely careful before choosing the color palette of your home. You cannot have a change of mind after the paint is bought. Take your time to make these decisions and try to get samples. New homeowners will think that they know what colour, pattern and theme they want. However, many people have completely changed their homes again after moving in. Therefore, it is safe to make these decisions after you start living in your home and get a good feel of it.

  • Lighting

People often overlook the importance of lighting until they move in and find the lighting inefficient. The kitchen and bathroom are two of the most important rooms that have to be well lit. This is because most of your activities happen in these rooms. These two rooms might need layered lighting so it is better to work with an expert interior design company like VC Interiors. Not just the number of lights but also the location and colour of the light are important. The professionals at VC Interiors break this down into zones such as general, task and ambient. This makes it easier to achieve efficient lighting in your new home.

Natural lighting is also important. You will have to look into the views that you have outside your window and other elements such as where you want privacy and where you do not. This will help you figure out where you need to put lights. You can also opt for window treatments that give you a full view when you want it and privacy when you do not.

  • Communicate Your Style, Personality and Other Such Deciding Factors

Many people often ask their interior designers what their taste and style is. This is irrelevant as their service to make a home that fits your personality and needs. The very reason why people buy homes is to customize them based on their desires. Therefore, you have to give utmost importance to what you want out of the space. This will also make the interior designer’s job easier. Do not be reluctant to be bold with your choice of decoration. You can use items that represent your style without worrying about everything matching each other.

  • Start With a Cooler Color Palette

It is difficult to decide the colour palette when you first move in. You will have many questions such as whether you want a contemporary colour, whether you need wallpaper if you will hang artwork on your wall, etc. A lot of people rush into colour in a hurry to make the home their own. If you are not able to make this decision or you need time to decide, then it is wise to choose a neutral colour.

White is a great option as it gives you a blank canvas. It gives you the base to make further developments later. It also makes your walls look clean and new. You might even end up liking such cool hues. Neutral color palettes with a pop of colour are a popular trend in interior design these days.

  • Give Importance to Quality

When it comes to the interior design of your home, it is important to consider quality. Buying a property and a home is a hefty investment. Additionally, monthly mortgage payments add to a lump sum that is going into your future. If at all you want to make some money on your home in future, do not add anything of poor quality to your home. This will make sure that you will get a good return of investment from your home when you put it for sale in the market. However, quality does not mean expensive. You can find high-quality items even in a charity shop or a vintage thrift shop.

These are some important tips from the experts at VC Interiorsin KazhakootamSreekaryam and Aakulam, that you should keep in mind. These tips along with our expert guidance will help you create a home that you have always wanted. Planning the interior design of your new home with us before you move in will make sure your home is prepped and functional for you to start living.


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