How Interior Designers in Trivandrum Incorporate Garden in Your Home Interior Design?


It is always nice to be near nature. Plants have the power to make any area feel fresh and alive, as well as produce a sense of well-being. Outdoor garden areas are in short supply, especially in today's high-rise buildings; yet, even little spaces can be transformed with a few great ideas. Here area few great ways in which interior designers in Trivandrum incorporate a vegetable garden into your home's interior design.

1. Creating Space in Balcony or Terrace

If you have a large terrace, you can set up a small vegetable patch and produce the vegetables that your family like. Even if you only have a small balcony, there are numerous methods to incorporate some vegetation. Rectangular planter boxes that can be hung on balcony grills and are deep enough to allow good root growth are ideal. For optimal roots, 6 to 7 inches of soil is normally required. The bottoms of the planter boxes must be properly waterproofed. Also, make sure that any excess water from watering the plants does not run down onto the balconies below, so as not to annoy your neighbors.

2. Convertingthe Roof into a Garden

The roof of most buildings is an area that is rarely utilized to its full potential. The rooftop may be a wonderful location for gardening with a little effort and ingenuity. On the roof, sunlight is never an issue, and you may have enormous planter boxes packed with seasonal veggies and herbs that are ready to pick. Create a covered seating area beneath a gorgeous pergola if space allows, string some decorative lights, and you have got yourself the ideal backdrop for an evening get-together with friends.

3. Mini Garden on Window Sill

A large windowsill with plenty of sunlight might be an excellent location for a vegetable plant. It is an excellent idea to put a chunk of granite over the window sill so that the watering does not harm the window. Add some pops of color with a few small pots of blooming plants to make your vegetable garden look more inviting through an exterior window. This is beneficial to your vegetables as well because the insects attracted to flowers attack pests that could eat your vegetables and herbs.

4. Vertical Garden for Herbs

Consider putting together a vertical herb garden near your kitchen. Ideally, on a wall that receives some natural light during the day. Although most herbs require sunshine to grow, many can thrive in dim light. If necessary, install track lights with sun lamps over the pots to supplement the outdoor lighting.

You must consider how the water will drain out while designing your vertical garden. Water-loving plants can be cultivated in the flower pots since the water from the pots above will drip into the rows below. You can have a basic drip irrigation system installed above the top row of pots by your plumber so that your plants can be watered simply without damaging the wall behind them.

Small, evenly placed pots of the same size with green herbs look best in vertical gardens. You can then enhance the flavor of your cooking with the herbs that you cultivated from your own garden.

5. Utilizing the Space Below Your Staircase

The space beneath the stairs is often unused in many homes. This area might be better utilized and could be ideal for a little garden. Visual and textural interest can be added to this space with pebbles, rocks, and flowing water. However, you must make sure that these plants receive some sunlight throughout the day. Normally, there would not be much light in this location. You should plan to have a few sun lamps in this region if there is not much sunlight. These 'grow' lights should be placed at least 2 feet above your plants as a general rule. Every day, it should be turned on for at least three hours.

Radishes, turnips, lettuce, greens, and carrots are some vegetables that grow well indoors. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and eggplants are also popular among those who grow their own indoor gardens. They are uncomplicated and require little maintenance. Easy-to-grow herbs include basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, coriander, and mint, as well as garlic and ginger, which are vital components of practically every Indian recipe.

Growing indoor plants in your house can provide a number of advantages. They not only look nice, but they also clean the air, absorb heat, and add humidity to the room. There is nothing quite like fresh organic vegetables and herbs for making delicious, nutrient-dense cuisine.

It does not take much to create your own slice of nature right in your own house. Interior designers at VC Interiors at Trivandrum will do you the planning and the creative thinking. If you need assistance with your home's interior design, contact the professionals at VC Interiors.


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